вторник, 23 октября 2012 г.

Confidential information stolen from anti-tobacco NGOs in Brussels

Belgian police are investigating break-ins at the offices of three anti-smoking lobby groups in a central Brussels building, in which thieves stole material related to their campaigns against the tobacco industry. The case occurred in the early hours of Thursday, less than two days after the abrupt resignation of John Dalli, the European Union’s health commissioner, in the wake of a corruption investigation.

Two laptops, some cash and personal items from the office of the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) were reported missing, while there is evidence that the intruders searched electronic and paper files, including personal data. Meanwhile, the European Respiratory Society (ERS) said that five laptops and paper documents from another office shared by the Smoke Free Partnership (SFP) were missing. According to the ERS, the files contain “confidential” information on its work on a new EU tobacco law. However, none of the groups have blamed tobacco firms for the crime.

A spokesman for the ERS said: “We do not subscribe to conspiracy theories. However, in light of the evidence we feel we have legitimate reason to suspect the intrusion was well-planned, researched and targeted.” “For me, it’s 100% industry-commissioned,” Luk Joossens, a Belgian expert at a cancer-prevention organisation, told EUobserver in reaction to the break-ins.

He said the planned Europe-wide directive would have been aimed at making tobacco products less attractive by introducing bigger health warnings on cigarette packets and removing flavouring from some lines that are popular with young women smokers. He said there was never any question of easing the European ban on snus, which is only available in Sweden as a consequence of an EU exemption granted to the Swedes. The new tobacco directive, which was expected to be unveiled yesterday, is now on hold, pending the appointment of Tonio Borg as the new health and consumer policy commissioner.

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