среда, 21 ноября 2012 г.

Anti-tobacco group eyes ‘smoker’s licence’

A proposed smoker’s licence could see people forced to take a test and pay a fee before they are allowed to buy cigarettes.

The licence, proposed by Sydney University professor of public health Simon Chapman, would require applicants to pass an online 'risk knowledge' test to make sure they know the dangers of what they are about to do, as well as paying an annual fee to keep the licence.

Licence holders would be given a card which they would have to show or scan whenever they wanted to purchase cigarettes or tobacco.

Action on Smoking Health director Ben Youdan says the idea is one option which could help achieve the New Zealand Government’s goal of becoming a smoke free country by 2025.

But there are a number of potential disadvantages to this idea, one being that it would take a lot of bureaucracy, money and time to get it in place.

His main concern though is that it places the burden of responsibility on the smoker, rather than the cigarette companies.
A proposed smoker’s licence could see people forced to take a test and pay a fee before they are allowed to buy cigarettes.
The licence, proposed by Sydney University professor of public health Simon Chapman, would require applicants to pass an online 'risk knowledge' test to make sure they know the dangers of what they are about to do, as well as paying an annual fee to keep the licence.
Licence holders would be given a card which they would have to show or scan whenever they wanted to purchase cigarettes or tobacco.
Action on Smoking Health director Ben Youdan says the idea is one option which could help achieve the New Zealand Government’s goal of becoming a smoke free country by 2025.

Read more: http://www.3news.co.nz/Anti-tobacco-group-eyes-smokers-licence/tabid/423/articleID/277256/Default.aspx#ixzz2CrVR0Ffu

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