среда, 8 августа 2012 г.

Feds Shut Down Medical Marijuana Shop To 'Protect' Colorado Students

The war on drugs: it's mostly hard, and frequently inane. But fortunately for modern-day drug-battling bureaucrats, there is a superbly easy target to take down -- medical marijuana dispensaries. Those that run such facilities often say they do so because they hope medical marijuana may help ease the suffering of patients receiving chemotherapy, or provide relief from some of the more debilitating symptoms of multiple sclerosis and glaucoma.

Because they largely consider themselves to be law-abiding business proprietors, as opposed to dangerous cartels usually associated with the drug industry, they are not -- typically -- armed to the teeth, and are thus fairly pleasant for the Feds to put in the crosshairs when the need to brag about taking some weed off the streets arises.

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