понедельник, 18 июня 2012 г.

Customs Nets Over Half a Million Contraband Cigarettes in May

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May was a busy month for the Tax and Customs Board - 846 of its 1,398 inspections at the borders netted contraband, while on roads, 19 violations were found in 677 stops. A total of 607,011 cigarettes and 145 litters of fuel was confiscated. The figure for ethanol, measured in pure alcohol, was 1,134 liters.

 The authority said it found 82 units of "goods in violation of intellectual property," and 17.15 kilograms of narcotics. The biggest hauls typically involved 10,000 to 30,000 cigarettes with Russian or Belarusian tax stamps hidden in spare tires or behind bulkheads in trucks. The biggest haul came on May 8, when customs officials found 42,800 cigarettes with Belarusian tax stamps during a routine stop of a passenger vehicle.

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