понедельник, 29 августа 2011 г.

Medway campaign to stamp down on illegal tobacco

illegal tobacco

A MAJOR crackdwon on illegal tobacco being smoked on the streets of Medway is to be launched next month.

It comes amid mounting concerns of the impact of smuggled cigarettes - both in terms of falling into the hands of underage smokers - and in lost revenues both to traders legitimately selling tobacco, as well as the Exchequer.

The initiative - a partnership between NHS Medway, Medway Council, Department of Health, trading standards and HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) – aims to reduce the supply and demand of illegal tobacco.

Medway public health officers will be in Gillingham High Street on Monday, September 5, to highlight the issue of illegal tobacco, talk to shoppers and visitors and raise awareness of illegal tobacco and the direct impact that it is having on them.

Medway Council’s portfolio holder for community safety. Cllr Mike O’Brien. said: “This initiative is about protecting our children. We want to stop children of 13 and even younger from becoming addicted to tobacco and hooked on smoking before they are old enough to make a properly informed choice of their own.

“Many people in Medway don’t view illegal tobacco as a problem, but the rise has seen a direct impact on health, crime and the economy and it can only be tackled if everyone plays their part.

“The cheap price of illegal tobacco makes it easier for children to smoke and it makes it harder for people who already smoke to stop.”

The amount of tobacco being smuggled into the UK - and demand for it - has risen in recent years as the Government hikes the tax of UK-bought cigarettes as part of a move to price the cancer-causers out of the range of youngsters, and to encourage more to quit the weed; a move designed to lessen the strain on the health service.

It comes at the same time as customs officials in the French ports revealed a record amount of seizures of alcohol - particularly whiskey and vodka - caught as it was attempted to be be smuggled into the UK.

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