пятница, 27 ноября 2009 г.

Secondhand smoke fight not over

Recently, activities were held across the state in honor of the Great American Smoke Out, the annual event that encourages smokers and tobacco users to quit.
In Baton Rouge, a special, smoke-free Great American Smoke Out event was held at Boudreaux and Thibodeaux’s that celebrated the smoke-free bar.
Coincidentally, United Health Foundation’s America’s Health Rankings were released, and Louisiana moved up from 50th to 47th, marking the state’s highest ranking since the annual study began.
What played a key part in this upward trend for our state?
A decrease in smoking rates that moved Louisiana up six spots to 35th in the country. It’s an impressive move that highlights the importance of events such as the Great American Smoke Out, as well as smoke-free air laws.
From the passage of The Louisiana Smoke-Free Air Act in 2006 to this latest improvement in America’s Health Rankings, we can be proud of what we’ve achieved, but there is much more left to accomplish.
While the Smoke-Free Air Act cleared the air in restaurants and most workplaces in Louisiana, thousands of patrons and employees of bars and casinos are still exposed to harmful secondhand smoke every day.
If Louisiana is to continue to improve, we must continue to support events such as the Great American Smoke Out and to consider policies that protect the health of all Louisiana citizens.
We must work to protect the bartenders, casino employees and our beloved musicians and performers who continue to put their health on the line to earn a paycheck.

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